Get These Cheap Electricity Deals In Freehold

Get the cheap electricity deals this winter and save on your monthly JCPL bills. Find out how much you could save!
Winter’s coming, JCPL rates are rising. Lock in one of these cheap electricity deals to help you keep your electric bills lower in Freehold, NJ.

Who Offers the Cheapest Electricity Deal Near Me?

Are you a Freehold JCP&L customer shopping around for cheap electricity? You’ve got some thinking to do! Rising gas prices have electricity rates inching up. So with cold weather closing in, you need to find a market-busting rate as soon as possible. But which ones really bust that market? Well, one measure we can use is the JCPL Price to Compare (PTC) rate – which for now is around 9.6 cents per kWh. Let’s see how cheap electricity deals in Freehold measure up…

Compare Cheap electricity Deals Near Me

Let’s start off with Tomorrow Energy’s 12 Month Fixed plan. At 10.79 cents per kWh, the rate doesn’t beat out the PTC – but it’s still the third cheapest rate on the market! There’s no monthly charge either, and for the eco-minded among you it comes with some great environmental incentives. Tomorrow Energy will purchase 100% Wind Renewable Energy Certificates on your behalf. And, in partnership with the Arbor Day Foundation, they’ll plant one tree every three months you’re with them. The most important benefit, however, is that it’s a 12 month plan. So, whilst it’s not the cheapest, it’ll carry you right through winter – and early termination will only cost you $75.

Next up, your second cheapest Freehold electric plan. At 9 cents per kWh, NRG’s Electric Choice Plan 3 Month offers a nice step down in rate. There’s no monthly recurring charge either, and no early termination fee. So what’s the catch? Well, although it just beats the PTC rate, it only lasts 3 months. Uh oh. This means you’ll be shopping again in January, when winter’s unstable prices will make shopping a little more risky. Chances are, this’ll offset any savings you make with that market-busting 3 month rate

Get the Cheapest Electricity Rate

Finally, the cheapest rate in Freehold comes from XOOM Energy’s SureLock 4. They’re offering a bargain 8.49 cents per kWh, with no monthly recurring charge. And whilst early termination will set you back $50, you won’t be doing that over winter if you can avoid it! The catch is that extra month might make all the difference. Late February markets might be more forgiving than late January ones. You’ll have to decide if that’s a risk you’re happy to take to secure that bargain winter energy rate. 

Shop Cheap Electricity Deals in Freehold, Now!

So in summary, the PTC rate can be a useful measure of value. But you’ll still need to weigh your priorities to pick the best Freehold plan for you! On the one hand, a plan that carries you through winter will come with a higher (but still competitive) rate. On the other hand, locking in the cheapest rate short-term means risking the chance of pricey late February options! However you shop folks, don’t forget that installing energy saving measures in the home is a surefire way to cut that bill. So get these cheap electricity rates in Freehold now, at

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