What’s Going On with NJ Off Shore Wind Farms?
We know you’ve been hearing no end of NJ’s numerous new off shore wind projects. Gigawatts of electric energy generation this, provider of clean power that. It all sounds pretty ambitious. But what’s the best bit of it for NJ residents? Let’s dig into what’s going on, and what it could mean for your NJ energy bills – and beach views!
Why New Jersey?
Firstly: why NJ? Well, off shore wind projects are cropping up all along the eastern US coast to help wean the nation off of fossil fuels. And whilst conditions are best up along the New England coast, it turns out that NJ’s got a pretty windfarm-amenable setup along most of its shoreline.
As a result, NJ is really throwing itself into wind generation. Governor Phil Murphy’s set the goal of getting NJ’s wind energy capacity up to 7,500 MW by 2035. And we’re not actually too far off!
What Projects are Underway for NJ Off shore Wind?
There’s a bunch of leases in that prime patch off the NJ coast. But projects are being cooked up on just three areas for now. There’s Ørsted’s Ocean Wind 1, a 1,100 megawatt farm with 110 turbines that’ll be NJ’s first offshore facility. There’s Ocean Wind 2, also from Ørsted, with 1,148 MW capacity. Then there’s Atlantic Shores’ 1,510 MW facility.
What does Off shore Mean for NJ Energy Bills?
So what does this mean for you? Well, these turbines could crank out over 3,700 MW of electricity. To put that into perspective, that’s enough to support around 1.5 million NJ homes – just shy of about half the state!
This could be great news for your electricity rates. In 2020, NJ was relying on natural gas and nuclear power for 90% of electricity generation. The offshore wind farms could help the state ease off that reliance. Which in turn could mean being insulated from some of the haywire price spikes the natural gas market has been seeing recently!
So Why all the NJ Wind Farm Fuss?
Not everyone is on board with these new developments. And there’s good reason to be cautious.
Firstly, these turbines are 853 ft tall each. Spread hundreds of them along the coastal horizon, and people are concerned this could have a major impact on NJ’s notorious and lucrative seaside tourism industry. Others suggest the opposite! Check out this panoramic mock-up and judge for yourself – it’s over in Appendix C here.
Then, of course, there’s the impact on wildlife. How big will it be? Well, we don’t really know. But there’s worries that the North Atlantic right whale could be at risk. And Atlantic City’s surfclam fisheries are concerned it could pull down revenue by as much as a quarter.
Keep Track of Those NJ Wind Farm Projects!
If there’s one thing to know about turbines: they’re gonna stir things up. And these new NJ off shore wind projects aren’t about to disappoint! But they could prove a much-needed shot in the arm to NJ’s power grid. So keep track of any major developments with New Jersey off shore wind projects here at www.NJEnergyRatings.com!